Tuesday 22 August 2017



Cherating Turtle Sanctuary is located just beside Asia's first Club Med in Cherating, Pahang. This centre was established in the year 1972 as a turtle hatchery in an effort to protect the endanger species in particular the Leatherback Turtle. It was opened to the public in June, 1 1998.

Situated at the Chendor Beach or Pantai Chendor, this centre helps to ensure the survival of the turtles that land here to lay eggs during the months from April to August. You are allowed to come here during the night and the centre will alert you if there are turtles that come up the shore to lay eggs. It also acts as an information centre to educate the public about turtles and the need to protect them.


         Tuesdays to Sundays : 9am to 1pm, 2pm to 5:30pm
      (The lunch break is from 1pm to 2pm. The centre is closed on Mondays.)

   Fridays: 9am to 12:00pm, 3pm to 5:30pm
       (The centre is closed from 12pm to 3pm for Friday prayer)


TEL: (6)09-5819087

FAX: (6)-09-5523482

EMAIL: penyuphg@tm.net.my


"Visit to turtle egg hatchery"
"The release of turtle children"
"Exhibition tour (static) illumination and video presentation"
"A night turtle watching program on the beach cherating as far as 3.5KM"
"Research program"

Cherating Turtle Sanctuary is located just beside Asia's first Club Med in Cherating, Pahang. This centre was established in the year 1972 as a turtle hatchery in an effort to protect the endanger species in particular the Leatherback Turtle. It was opened to the public in June, 1 1998.
Situated at the Chendor Beach or Pantai Chendor, this centre helps to ensure the survival of the turtles that land here to lay eggs during the months from April to August. You are allowed to come here during the night and the centre will alert you if there are turtles that come up the shore to lay eggs. It also acts as an information centre to educate the public about turtles and the need to protect them.

In total, there are 7 species of marine turtles in the world and 4 of these species land and lay their eggs on Malaysian beaches. They are the Leatherback Turtle, Green Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle and Olive Ridley Turtle.
Over the years, the number of Leatherback turtles that come to the shore of Malaysia has dwindled and you will not be able to see any of them coming here now. The reasons are because of the poachers who came to take the eggs away for commercial reason, abused of the turtles from the public and the pollution


Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriaces)

Green Turtle (Chelonia Mydas)

Hawksbill (Eretmochelys Imbricata)

Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidocgelys Olivacea)


Kemp's Ridley


Besides acting as a place where you can wait at the benches in the night, the Cherating Turtle Sanctuary also has many exhibits for you to explore. There are information on the different types of turtles, their habitat, food and the location where they can be found in Malaysia and in particular, the state of Pahang. There are also graphs and statistics on the number of turtles that come here.
It was reported recently that the number of green turtles that came here has increased from 160 for the year 2006 to 288 from Jan to Aug 2007. This shows that the turtles conservation programme is bearing fruit and should be continued.
Apart from information on turtles, you will be able to see many exotic and nice sea shells that are on displayed at the main exhibition hall. Big corals are also aplenty here .



A Tortoise is a reptile from the Chelonian family and dwells well on land.
A Turtle is a reptile from the Chelonian family and dwells well in the water.

Found mostly in Asia and Africa but some species exist in Americas too.
Africa, America
Shape of the shell
Mostly large dome shaped shells (with bumps on the top in some species).
Mostly flat, streamlined shells
Weight of the shell
The shells are heavier
Generally light-weight shell.
Feet are short and sturdy with bent legs.
Webbed feet with long claws.
Most are herbivores, but some species prefer live food
Eats fruits, veggies, leafy vegetation and meat, hence they are omnivores.
Tortoise hatchlings move from their nest to the mothers burrow soon after birth.
Turtle hatchlings stay in their nest on their own for 90-120 days.
80-150 years. The longest living Tortoise is 326 years

20-40 years. The oldest was 86 years.


Tourism Student of Politeknik Metro Kuantan 

Sunday 30 July 2017

Santuari Penyu Cherating

Image result for santuari penyu cherating

Cherating Turtle Sanctuary terletak di sebelah Club Med Asia pertama di Cherating, Pahang. Pusat ini ditubuhkan pada tahun 1998 sebagai pemuliharaan penyu dalam usaha melindungi spesies yang membahayakan khususnya cengkerang Penyu . Ia dibuka kepada orang ramai pada bulan Jun, 1 1998. Terletak di Pantai Chendor , pusat ini membantu memanjangkan jangka hayat hidup penyu di sini untuk bertelur dari bulan April hingga Ogos. Ia juga bertindak sebagai pusat maklumat kepada Mendidik masyarakat tentang penyu dan keperluan untuk melindungi mereka.

Related imageImage result for santuari penyu kuantan pahang

Secara keseluruhan, terdapat 7 spesies penyu laut di dunia dan 4 dari spesies ini dan meletakkan telur mereka di pantai Malaysia. Mereka adalah leatherback turtle, green turtle, Hawksbill turtle dan Olive Ridley turtle.

Selama bertahun-tahun, jumlah penyu yang datang ke pantai Malaysia telah berkurang dan Kami tidak akan dapat melihat mana-mana daripada mereka yang datang ke sini sekarang. Sebabnya adalah kerana pemburu yang datang untuk mengambil telur untuk tujuan komersial, disalahgunakan penyu dari orang awam dan pencemaran,

penubuhan santuari penyu ini untuk memelihara habitat penyu daripada berlakunya kepupusan, hal ini kerana ia sangat penting untuk generasi akan datang.

Image result for leatherback turtle       
          Leatherback Turtle      

   Image result for green turtle   
             Green Turtle

 Image result for Penyu Hawksbill
           Hawksbill Turtle


            Kemp's Ridley


                   Olive Ridley

Selain bertindak sebagai tempat di mana kita boleh menunggu di bangku-bangku di malam hari, Perlindungan Penyu Cherating juga mempunyai banyak pameran bagi kami untuk meneroka. Ada maklumat mengenai jenis penyu, habitat mereka,

Makanan dan lokasi di mana mereka boleh ditemui di Malaysia dan khususnya negeri Pahang dan Terengganu.

Almat Pusat Penerangan Dan Santuari Penyu

KM 45 Jalan Kuantan-Kemaman

26080 Kuantan Pahang

Lokasi Pusat Penerangan Dan Santuari Penyu Cherating terletak bersebelahan dengan Club Med Cherating.

No.Telefon :09-5819087

No Faxs :09-5819124
Email : penyuphg@tm.net.my

Hari Beroperasi : selasa-ahad

waktu beroperasi : 9.00am-5.30pm
masuk adalah percuma!!


"lawatan ke tapak penetasan telur penyu"

"pelepasan anak-anak penyu"
"lawatan pameran (statik) penerangan dan tayangan video"
"program turtle watching sebelah malam di pantai cherating sejauh 3.5KM"
"program penyelidikan"


Santuari Penyu Cherating

Related image

Pusat Penetasan

Kemudahan Yang Disediakan

Informasi Penyu (Muzium)

Kolam Penyu